K. E. Moffatt   ACCT 2302 - Attendance Policies


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 Class attendance and participation (listening, questioning, discussing, thinking, etc.) will be important to your success in this course. Come to class and enjoy the opportunity to learn! If you must be absent, you should obtain class notes from a fellow student, as material outside the text or revisions to the scheduled homework assignments may be presented during lectures. Examples similar to homework problems will be worked in class as part of the lecture. You are responsible for completing all assignments when due and for being prepared to participate in each class session, even if you were absent for the previous meeting.

     We will make a seating chart during the second session, to facilitate checking roll and to help me learn your names more quickly. You WILL be formally graded on participation/attendance. Your attendance and regular participation in class discussions will directly affect your overall course grade. For example, some information will be presented during lectures that is not available from the text. You will be held responsible for this information on exams and homework assignments.

     You automatically begin the semester with 25 points for attendance and class participation. You are allowed two (2) absences. After these two absences, each time you miss class, for ANY reason (even University approved!), two (2) points will be deducted from your grade. Please note that it is possible to LOSE MORE than 25 points from your earned course grade if you do not attend ANY classes! The attendance grade comprises a percentage of your course grade! It is YOUR responsibility to sign the seating chart EVERY DAY, as this is the record I will use to record absences. If you do not sign in, you will be considered to have been absent. This is NOT an extra credit grade. The 25 points WILL be included in the required points for the semester grade.

     Being consistently late for class is rude and is an extreme annoyance to the entire class. Please make every effort to be on time! I will be present and on time for you, and I will expect you to be present and on time for me. Leaving class early is also a distraction to the entire class, as well as being very rude to your instructor. Please plan to stay for the entire session unless you have a dire emergency. If you must be late for class, enter very quietly and take your seat with as little disruption of the class as possible. See me after class to sign the seating chart, so that you are counted present for the day.

      If you are unable to complete this course, you must officially withdraw from it by the final drop date (see assignment calendar for exact date). My policy is to permit you to see the results of Exam II before making the drop decision. If you think you must withdraw from this course, please talk with me about it first. I will permit you to receive a "Q" or "W" if you drop or withdraw by the final drop date, at my discretion. However, if I do not feel that you have made an honest effort to pass the course, based on your attendance and homework/quiz participation, you will receive the grade you have earned, which will probably be an "F." Remember, I as your instructor cannot withdraw you from the course for lack of attendance . . . only you can do that. If you stop attending class and do not withdraw, you will receive a performance grade, usually an "F".

      I seldom miss class unannounced, but in the event that I must miss a session, a note will be posted on the ACCT 2302 homepage if I know in advance that a session will be cancelled. I will also e-mail you at your my.lamar.edu address. The scheduled assignments will still be due for the following class period unless you are otherwise notified.


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by Windy

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